New Trash Collection Services
The City of Boston has hired Capital Waste Services to perform trash pick-ups throughout the city for the next five years. We invite your feedback as to the new hour and as to the level of service by writing to us at [email protected]. We will forward your comments to the City.
Joint Committees
The Beacon Hill Civic Association participates in several joint committees with other neighborhood organizations that serve our community Last week, we highlighted two such committees: the Beacon Hill Nonprofit Neighbors; and the Codman Island Committee. This week, we focus on another such important joint committee – the Joint Charles Street Committee.
Joint Charles Street Committee
A collaboration between the Beacon Hill Business Association and the Beacon Hill Civic Association, the Joint Charles Street Committee identifies and addresses overlapping areas of interest in Beacon Hill, especially concerning Charles Street. The Joint Charles Street Committee continues to fund a private cleaning service that keeps our street tidy from April through December each year. Ongoing projects include the annual holiday window decorating contest, and advising business owners as to how to best care for the trees and tree pits near them.
Ali Ringenburg, Owner and Director of the Sloane Merrill Gallery at 75 Charles Street, a member of the Beacon Hill Business Association board, representing the Beacon Hill Business Association, and Joshua Leffler, a Director on the Beacon Hill Civic Association Board, representing the Beacon Hill Civic Association, are the respective Co-Chairs of the Joint Charles Street Committee. Josh Leffler is new to the Joint Charles Street Committee.
Ali Ringenburg said: “I’m thrilled to move forward with Josh as my Co-Chair. The Joint Charles Street Committee is based on collaboration and I know Josh and I both have the neighborhood’s best interest in mind. We both care deeply about the culture of Charles Street, maintaining the beauty and cleanliness of the neighborhood, and working with the City to create new opportunities for business owners and residents alike.”
Josh Leffler remarked: “In so many ways, Charles Street is the cornerstone of our neighborhood. The street serves, almost proportionately, a residential, commercial, and transportation function. It is a place where neighbors and friends come to meet and where those visiting Beacon Hill come for a literal and figurative taste of the neighborhood. With more than two centuries of remarkable stories to tell, the future of Charles Street will, as much as ever, require engagement, stewardship, vision, and collaboration. The broad range of topics being discussed in neighborhoods throughout Boston are equally pertinent on Charles Street – while also requiring one to look through a uniquely historic lens. I’m very much looking forward to working with Ali and building upon the great work that has been done by so many over the years.”
Upcoming BHCA Meetings
Wednesday, August 7: Cambridge Street Committee Meeting. 6pm. 74 Joy Street. Zoning & Licensing Committee Meeting. 7pm. 74 Joy Street.
Other upcoming BHCA Events
Beacon Hill Meet & Greet – Monday, August 5th
District 8 City Councilor Candidates Forum – Tuesday, September 10th
BHCA Fall HillFest – Sunday, September 22nd
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website or call the office (617-227-1922) for further details on any of these events, and for information about joining the BHCA.