Beacon Hill Architectural Commission Agenda

The Beacon  Hill Architectural Commission will hold  a public hearing on August 15, at 5 p.m. in Boston City Hall, Piemonte Room, 5th  Floor.

Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Appropriateness on the agenda below, review of architectural violations, and  such business as may come before the commission, in accordance with Ch. 616 of the Acts of 1955, as amended. Applications are available for review, by appointment, during business hours at the office  of the Environment Department. Applicants or their representatives are required to attend, unless indicated otherwise below. Sign language interpreters are available upon request.

After 5:30 p.m., enter and exit City Hall at the Dock Square entrance on Congress Street (across from  Faneuil  Hall).

I. Design Review Hearing

20.138 BH 4 Lime Street:

Applicant: Maggie Leffler

Proposed Work: At front façade change entryway surround paint color from off white/yellow to gray.

20.024 BH 68 Beacon Street:

Applicant: Richard Lyerla

Proposed Work: Install two  security cameras- one  at the northwest corner of the building and  one  at the northeast corner of the building.

19.1295 BH 42 Mount Vernon Street:

Applicant: Joao Baia

Proposed Work: Install chimney cap  at northwest (front right) chimney (See

Administrative Review items below).

20.111 BH 42 Chestnut Street:

Applicant: Dustin Nolin

Proposed Work: At front façade replace existing hanging light with a hanging lantern (See Administrative Review items below).

20.100 BH 16 West Cedar Street:

Applicant: Megan Morgan

Proposed Work: Replace existing wood picket fence at rear of property with lattice paneled fence.

20.017 BH 23 Pinckney Street:

Applicant: Dr. Ned T. Sahin

Proposed Work: At rear elevation replace existing aluminum sliding door in- kind.

19.1312 BH 74 Chestnut Street: Continued from 6/20/2019 Public Hearing

Applicant: Ryan Garrity

Proposed Work: At rear elevation replace black  cedar garage door with plywood door.

20.098 BH 14 Beacon Street:

Applicant: Alexander Leventhal

Proposed Work: Install 3M CC75 window film on all south and  west facing windows; and  remove all metal shutters at north and  west elevations and restore all existing metal hinge pintles.

20.109 BH 85 Pinckney Street:

Applicant: Adam Gilmore

Proposed Work: Amend Application 19.682 BH to include expanding the existing headhouse, expanding the existing bay window at the rear ell, replacing light fixture, intercom and  hardware at the front entry door, and replacing an existing wooden louver at the front façade with a window and window grille.

20.119 BH 135 Myrtle Street:

Applicant: Mark Little

Proposed Work: At roof install new  roof deck and  install new  window, door, siding and  gutter at existing headhouse.

II.  Administrative


In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and  repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have  a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to the staff  pending ratification at its monthly public hearing.  Having  been  identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this  hearing:

Applicants whose projects are listed under this heading NEED NOT APPEAR at the hearing.  Following the hearing, you will be issued a Determination Sheet to present at the Inspectional Services Department (1010 Massachusetts Avenue)  as proof of project approval when applying for permits.  ISD personnel will send an electronic copy  of your  building- permit application to the commission staff  for review. (To avoid  potential confusion, the text of your building-permit application should be consistent with the project description given below.)   Commission staff  will accordingly authorize the execution of the work, attaching any applicable provisos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and  precedents.

Please note that following issuance of the determination sheet no further correspondence  will be issued for the applications listed below. The electronic building-permit application as annotated by commission staff  will constitute your Certificate of Appropriateness; this will be valid for two years from the date of the hearing. The applicant is required to notify the commission of any project changes; failure to do so may affect the status of the approval.

If you have  any questions not addressed by the above information, please contact staff  at 617.635.3850 or  [email protected]. Thank you.

20.112 BH 81 Beacon Street: At front façade and  rear elevation remove storm windows and  replace eighteen wood windows in-kind.

20.030 BH 9 Charles River  Square: At roof re-paint deck railings to match existing colors.

20.111 BH 42 Chestnut Street: At front façade’s entry replace deteriorated sections of wood paneling and  column basis  in-kind and  re-paint to match existing color (See Design Review item above).

20.079 BH 70 Chestnut Street: At front façade re-paint oriel window to match existing color.

20.099 BH 38 Lime Street: Re-point masonry and  replace section of copper downspout and  missing scupper in-kind.

19.1295 BH 42 Mount Vernon Street: Repair slate roof,  re-point northwest (front right) chimney and  seal flashing (See Design Review item above).

20.113 BH 50 Myrtle Street: At Myrtle Street Playground relocate Myrtle the Turtle bronze sculpture to existing planting bed  near entrance to playground, install low wrought iron railing, and  repair pavement.

20.028 BH 3 Spruce Street, Unit 5: At fifth story replace six one-over-one non- historic wood windows in-kind.

20.022 BH 25 Temple Street: At front façade re-paint first story windows and frames to match existing color.

20.083 BH 119 Tremont Street: At front façade repair front entry doors.

20.110 BH 11A West Cedar Street: Repair and  re-paint all exterior wood trim to match existing color.

20.063 BH 9 Willow Street: At penthouse replace wood arched window wall in- kind.

III. Ratification Of 7/18/2019 Public Hearing Minutes

IV. Staff Updates

V.  Projected Adjournment: 7:30 Pm Date Posted: 8/5/2019

Beacon Hill Architectural District Commission

Paul Donnelly, Joel Pierce, Miguel Rosales (Chair), P.T. Vineburgh, Alternates:  Danielle Santos, Five Vacancies

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