Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner

Beacon Hill Civic Association 2020 Annual Meeting to be Held Virtually

The Beacon Hill Civic Association’s 98th Annual Meeting and Election of Officers and Directors will be held on May 18, 2020, at 6:00pm. While under normal circumstances the meeting would be held at the Union Club on Park Street, this year’s meeting will be a virtual gathering in consideration of social distancing guidelines.

BHCA Board photo from the 2019 Annual Meeting at the Union Club. Front row: James Ewing, Rob Whitney – President, Josh Leffler, and Timothy Pingree. Second row: Eve Waterfall – Chair, Katherine Judge, Suzanne Besser, Leslie Adam, Emi Winterer, Janet Tiampo, Michelle Lavers, and Emily Claire. Back row: Russ Gaudreau, Andrew Kirk, Charlotte Thibodeau, Colin Zick, Bruce Kiernan, and Tom Clemens.

The BHCA, like many other organizations during this pandemic, has held regular meetings and presentations on Zoom, a handy platform that allows many people to be part of a meeting through their computer, smartphone or other mobile device. The BHCA has held our monthly Meet & Greet, board meetings, committee meetings, and a recent presentation on the Hurley Building redevelopment project on Zoom. In these challenging times, this has allowed us to remain connected, motivated and working together for the good of our neighborhood.

If you are a current Beacon Hill Civic Association member and you would like to attend this virtual meeting, please email [email protected].

(The Beacon Award normally presented at the Annual meeting has been postponed. A call for nominations will be sent out sometime in the future.)

Upcoming BHCA Meetings

Board of Directors (Virtual): Monday, May 11, 7pm

Annual Meeting (Virtual): Monday, May 18th, 7pm

Call the BHCA office at 617-227-1922 for further details on any of these events, and for information about joining the BHCA.

Join us!

If you haven’t yet become a member of the BHCA, we invite you to join online at

 Your input in quality of life issues on the Hill is important to us, and we rely on you our neighbors to bring your comments and concerns to our attention. By joining our membership, you strengthen our numbers and add credibility to our purpose as advocates for Beacon Hill. Please call our office at 617-227-1922 or email the BHCA Executive Director at [email protected] with any questions, comments or concerns, or to learn more about how you can get involved in your community. 

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