Beaconhill Architectural Commission

The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold a public Zoom hearing on April 15 at 5 p.m.

ZOOM: HTTPS://US02WEB.ZOOM.US/J/87626552162

Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1955 of the Massachusetts General Law as amended. Applications are available for review during business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Applicants or their representatives are required to attend, unless indicated otherwise below. Sign language interpreters are available upon request.

Attention: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to: or calling 1 (929) 205-6099 and entering meeting id # 876 2655 2162. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected].

I. Design Review Hearing

App # 20.0695 BH 18 Phillips Street (Previously Heard On 1-16-2020)

Applicant: Vilna Schul

Proposed Work: New walkway lighting.

App # 21.0636 BH 63 Chestnut Street (Previously Heard On 2-18-2020)

Applicant: Chris Novotny; Sleeping Dog Properties

Proposed Work: Replace existing shutters with historic reproductions.

App # 21.0640 BH 83 Mount Vernon Street (Previously Heard On 2-18-2021)

Applicant: Marc Beaulieu

Proposed Work: Replace all windows with windows with correct pane configuration, all wood and, new front door light fixture, new intercom system.

App # 21.0815 BH 92 Mount Vernon Street

Applicant: Michael Touzjian; Pomeroy & Co. Inc.

Proposed Work: Replace galvanized metal dormer sidewalls with standing seam copper side walls. Replace glass only on upper level picture window with insulated glass windows.

App # 21.0816 BH 46 W. Cedar Street

Applicant: David McMahon

Proposed Work: At rear of property demolish ell and illegal roof deck, to reconstruct roof deck and el. Replace front dormer window, replace step and shoe scraper that are currently violations.

App # 21.0817 BH 38 W. Cedar Street

Applicant: Deb Thomas: Street & Company

Proposed Work: replace shutters with replicas.

App # 21.0818 BH 15 Revere Street

Applicant: Jeff Rand

Proposed Work: Replace single pane storefront glass with thermo-paned glass. *Need shop drawings for glass.

App # 21.0819 BH 57A Chestnut Street

Applicant: Harvard Musical Association

Proposed Work: Replace three, east facing, and 8 over 8, wood dormer windows with three 8 over 8 aluminum clad simulated divided lights. And two, fourth floor, east facing, 6 over 6, wood windows with two, aluminum clad, simulated divided light, windows. Replace galvanized steel decorative soffit with fiberglass replica. (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review)

App # 21.0820 BH 42 Beacon Street

Applicant: Dennis Michael; The Somerset Club

Proposed Work: Replace all windows at front façade. *Need verification that windows cannot be restored.

App # 21.0821 BH 102 Chestnut Street

Applicant: David Doyno

Proposed Work: Replace historic curved top windows at 3rd floor front. New front door hardware, new light, new keypad, new shutters, new roof deck, rebuild front stoop. (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review). . *Need verification that windows cannot be restored.

App # 21.0822 BH 123 Charles Street

Applicant: Bill Kuck; Sunshine Signs

Proposed Work: New blade sign.

App # 21.0823 BH 38 Charles Street

Applicant: Ricky Zeng; Bluemoon Smoke Shop

Proposed Work: New blade sign and banner sign *Need sign materials and hardware info.

App # 21.0824 BH 24-26 Hancock Street

Applicant: Michael Fay; Street and Company

Proposed Work: New handrail at both entryways.

App # 21.0825 BH 18 Grove Street

Applicant: Jacob Simmons; City Realty

Proposed Work: Replace all front windows with 2 over 2, wood, double hung windows. (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review). . *Need verification that windows cannot be restored.

App # 21.0826 BH 147-149 Charles Street

Applicant: Jacob Simmons; City Realty

Proposed Work: Replace all front windows with 6 over 6 wood, double hung windows (149 Charles) and 8 over 8 (147 Charles). Replace doors, add new dormers. (See Additional Items Under Administrative Review).

*Need existing window details needed. Need details of doors.

APP # 21.0827 BH 60 W. Cedar Street

Applicant: Megan Morgan; Payne Bouchier

Proposed Work: Replicate and replace all shutters and brick mold to match historic design Repaint BM Soft Glass Black *Need shop drawings of shutters.

App # 21.0828 BH 112 Pinckney Street

Applicant: Jason Hafler

Proposed Work: New roof deck.

*Indicates Missing Information. Please Contact Staff for Next Steps.

II. Advisory Review

Advisory #1 42 Irving Street

Applicant: Nate Walton

Proposed Work: Slightly enlarge dormer

Advisory #2 Beacon Street

Applicant: City of Boston

Proposed Work: New brick sidewalk @ Statehouse, new caution plate & ramp on the west corner of Park Street and Beacon Street

III. Administrative Review/Approval: In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to commission staff pending ratification at its monthly public hearing. Having been identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this hearing:

Applicants whose projects are listed under this heading Need Not Appear at the hearing. Following the hearing, you will be issued a Determination Sheet to present at the Inspectional Services Department (1010 Massachusetts Avenue) as proof of project approval when applying for permits. ISD personnel will send an electronic copy of your building-permit application to the commission staff for review. (To avoid potential confusion, the text of your building-permit application should be consistent with the project description given below.) Commission staff will accordingly authorize the execution of the work, attaching any applicable provisos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and precedents.

Please Note That Following Issuance Of The Determination Sheet No Further Correspondence Will Be Issued For The Applications Listed Below. The electronic building-permit application as annotated by commission staff will constitute your Certificate of Appropriateness; this will be valid for one year from the date of the hearing. The applicant is required to notify the commission of any project changes; failure to do so may affect the status of the approval.

If you have any questions not addressed by the above information, please contact staff at 617.635.3850 or [email protected] Thank you.

App # 21.0829 BH 4 Acorn Street: Repair roof in kind.

APP # 21.0830 BH 50 BEACON STREET: Repoint facades.

APP # 21.0831 BH 55 BEACON STREET: Repoint façade, Repaint Doric columns, Balustrade, cornice, pilasters, windows and frames, wrought iron balconies, front door. All colors to match existing *Need list of existing paint colors.

App # 21.0832 BH 73 Beacon Street: Remove all windows to be restored. Spot repoint façade with one part cement, two parts lime. Clean all masonry.

App # 21.0833 BH 95 Beacon Street: Paint windows and soffit to match existing *Need list of existing paint colors.

App # 21.0834 BH 141 Cambridge Street/ 14-16 Lynde Street: Restore 20 wood windows, repair sills & lintels in kind, spot repoint all facades as needed.

App # 21.0835 BH 147-149 Charles Street: Spot repoint brick, repair lintels and sills with like materials and dimensions.

APP # 21.0836 BH 28 Chestnut Street: Masonry repairs to north façade.

App # 21.0819 BH 57A Chestnut Street: Replace slate roof in kind. (See Additional Items Under Design Review)

App # 21.0837 BH 77 Chestnut Street: At third level, replace two, non-original, 6 light, wood casement windows with two, 6 light wood casement windows.

App # 21.0821 BH 102 Chestnut Street Rebuild chimney in the same dimensions as seen today. (See Additional Items Under Design Review)

App # 21.0825 BH 18 Grove Street: In kind replacement of storefront window. Repaint door and wood trim to match existing (See Additional Items Under Design Review). *Need Color Information.

App # 21.0838 BH 34 Hancock Street: Replace aluminum clad windows and doors in kind. APP # 21.0839 BH 42 Irving Street: At levels 1,2,3 replace two (per floor) and dormer level (one window) for a total of seven, replace 6 over 6, wood windows with 6 over 6 wood windows. All windows date to the 1990s.

App # 21.0840 BH 18 Louisburg Square: New “radiant heat” system under sidewalk, new port for electric vehicle charging station. Port is similar to that approved at the other side of Louisburg Square.

App # 21.0841 BH 57 Myrtle Street: All facades: repoint masonry with type “N” mortar.

App # 21.0842 BH 15 River Street: At Charles Street façade, level 3, unit 304, replace all wood, 6 over 6, replacement windows with wood, 6 over 6 windows.

App # 21.0843 BH 19 South Russell Street: Repair front door lintel and masonry as needed.

App # 21.0844 BH 48 West Cedar Street: Repair and replace eight window sills and eight window lintels to match historic profile and color. Paint to match existing.

Iv. Ratification Of 3/18/2021 Public Hearing Minutes

V. Staff Updates

Vi. Projected Adjournment: 9:00 p.m.

Beacon Hill Architectural Commission

Members: Arian Allen, Miguel Rosales, Danielle Santos, P.T. Vineburgh, Vacancy

Alternates: , Alice Richmond, Wen Wen.

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