Beacon Hill Architectural Commission

The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, October 20, at 5 p.m.

The following will be discussed:

Attention: This hearing will be held virtually only and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to our online meeting or calling 1-929-436-2866 and entering meeting id # 993 4550 1371. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected].

The public can offer testimony.

Discussion Topics

1. Violations App # 23.0231 BH 87 Beacon Street

Proposed Work: ratification of unapproved door intercom

2. Design Review App # 23.0168 BH      

94 Beacon Street #1

Proposed Work: At rear façade install new stone garage door header. Install new light fixture above garage door.

APP # 22.1188 BH           

131 Cambridge Street (Old West Church)

Proposed Work: New garden toolshed

APP # 23.0300 BH      

7 Louisburg Square

Proposed Work: Replace all front windows on levels G through 5 with wood windows that were previously approved under App #22.0760 BH. Change muntin width from 3/4″ to 7/8″ for approved replacement wood windows.

APP # 23.0276 BH      

1 Strong Place

Proposed Work: Ratification of unapproved Ring Doorbell, replace deteriorated wooden window sills with precast concrete, replace the cement window well with granite well, replace shutters, paint front door black, replace 6 over 6, wood, true divided light, double hung windows in kind (See Additional Work under Administrative Review)

APP # 23.0304 BH 

72 West Cedar Street

Proposed Work: Replace all historic, front façade, 2 over 2, wood windows with wood, 2 over 2, double hung replacement windows

APP # 23.0134 BH       

68 Pinckney Street

Proposed Work: Benjamin Moore Louisburg Green HC-113

APP # 22.1420 BH       

28 Mount Vernon Street

Proposed Work: New light fixture, repaint front entryway

APP # 23.0301 BH       

67 West Cedar Street

Proposed Work: New intercom, door hardware, and brass kick plates, new light fixture, repair and repaint existing wood panels at basement level window openings, repaint masonry, refinish front doors (See Additional Items under Administrative Review)

APP # 23.0227 BH      

20 Mount Vernon Street

Proposed Work: New copper chimney cap

APP # 23.0288 BH      

44 Chestnut Street

Proposed Work: Replace roof deck in kind (See Additional Items under Administrative Review)


Proposed Work: Discussion and vote on proposed community Preservation Act Plaque Policy

3. Advisory

19 Myrtle Street

Proposed Work: Replacement of all windows on the property.  

4. Administrative Review APP # 23.0257 BH   4 Acorn Street: Replace the stool, compromised mulls and brick molds at the front elevation 1st floor window unit. All work and paint to match existing.

APP # 23.0238 BH   61 Beacon Street: Repair and repaint fire escape in kind

APP # 23.0223 BH   64 Beacon Street: Replace rotted wood on recessed panel  enclosure of overhead door assembly above the Branch Street curb cut at the rear of 64 Beacon Street. Any required replacement of interior frame and exterior panel enclosure will be of wood to match the existing in material and dimensions. Prime and paint two coats of existing black color

APP # 23.0286 BH   84 Beacon Street: Replace steel staircase in kind, reinstall existing granite steps

APP # 23.0175 BH    87 Beacon Street: Rebuild rear garden wall in kind

APP # 23.0111 BH    37 Brimmer Street: At front façade, level five, replace two , 4 over 4, double hung, wood, true divided light windows in kind, at front façade level four, replace two, wood casement windows in kind. This project was previously approved in 2018

APP # 23.0288 BH  44 Chestnut Street:  Repoint chimney in kind (See Additional Items Under Design Review)

APP # 23.0252 BH  18 Hancock Street #2: Replace four front and two rear second floor (non-historic) windows. Maintain original wood frames, brick molding and wood sills,  fabricate new wood sash sets keeping the existing frames. Front elevation windows will be 1 over 1 double hung sash sets. The two rear elevation windows will be 2 over 2, double hung, true divided light sash sets. The new sash sets would be wood, mortise & tenon fabrication using clear glass. All sash rails would match an original period correct window. Rear elevation would be a 3/4” interior muntin width profile on 2/2’s, sill pitch to match the existing wood sill: 3/16”. All new sash would be oil based glazed at the exterior and finish painted Tri-Corn Black to match the rest of the building

APP # 23.0219 BH   28 Mount Vernon Street: Install tree guard

APP # 23.0220 BH  99 Myrtle Street: Repair and repaint fire escape in kind

APP # 23.0247 BH   73 Pinckney Street: Cut and repoint brick façade in kind, repaint wood surfaces to match existing

APP # 23.0276 BH   1 Strong Place: Replace aluminum downspout with copper version, repaint the rusted iron stars on the front of the house black, remove rust stains on window headers, repoint brick façade in kind, repair sidewalk in front of 0 Strong Place by installing granite curb to match the rest of the street (See Additional Work under Design Review)

APP # 23.0287 BH   52 Temple Street: Repair and repaint fire escape in kind

APP # 23.0291 BH    1 Walnut Street: Paint existing windows, trim and cornice in kind

APP # 23.0230 BH  3 Walnut Street (Unit #2): Replace all second floor (2 over 2)  windows (aluminum 1980’s simulated divided light jamb liners). Install new mahogany, true divided light wood, double hung sash sets. The existing older frames, wood sills and brick molding would remain and not be replaced. All new wood sash would be painted Black Forest Green to match the existing color at the exterior. Muntin design: 3/4” interior width and profile to match period. 3/16” exterior wood stem and glazing. All wood styles would be a thin design from the mid 1800’s. The existing painted copper at the bay would also remain. Window total: ten windows at front elevation, one window at alley, three windows at side elevation

APP # 23.0301 BH    67 West Cedar Street: Repair and restore exterior, repair and repaint windows and trim in kind, replace existing storms and screens, repair and repaint existing entry handrails, remove existing fire balcony at roof dormers, re-pitch existing gutter, clean and restore granite base (See Additional Items Under Design Review)

5. Ratification of September 15, 2022 Public Hearing Minutes

6. Staff Updates

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