Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner

Volunteers Needed for Holiday Decorating!

The holidays are upon us, and once again the BHCA will be organizing the decorating of the 1,100 gas lamps on the Hill, thanks to the generosity of our neighbors. Please respond to the flyer you’ve received in the mail with your availability to volunteer and sponsor a pole or two! We will meet at the BHCA (74 Joy Street) on Saturday, December 2, at 9am, where you can pick up your wreaths and bows. We’ll also show you how to hang the wreaths. We’ll repeat this on Sunday and work as long as needed.

We hope for good weather so that we can complete all the poles that weekend! Call the office (617-227-1922) if you have any questions.

Upcoming BHCA Meetings and Events

Holiday Decorating – Saturday/Sunday, December 2 and 3.

Zoning & Licensing – Wednesday, December 6, 6pm via Zoom

Board of Directors – Monday, December 11, 7pm

Architecture Committee – Monday, December 18, 5:30pm via Zoom

Contact the BHCA at for details on any of these activities or to sign up as a volunteer.

Join the BHCA!

We invite you to join our growing membership of friends – young and old – who are contributing to make life better on the Hill. Your membership allows us to continue our efforts to preserve our unique and historic neighborhood, and your voice adds strength and credibility to our mission as advocates for Beacon Hill residents. Join or renew your membership today at or by calling us at 617-227-1922!

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