The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold a public hearing on March 21, at 5 p.m. via ZOOM.
Subject of the hearing will be applications for Certificates of Design Approval on the agenda below, reviews of architectural violations, and such businesses as may come before the commission, in accordance with Chapter 616 of the Acts of 1955 of the Massachusetts General Law as amended. Applications are available for review during business hours at the office of the Environment Department. Applicants or their representatives are required to attend, unless indicated otherwise below. Sign language interpreters are available upon request.
Attention: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to: ZOOM or calling 1 (929) 205-6099 and entering meeting id # 988 9755 4134. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected].
I. Design Review Hearing
APP # 24.0578 BH 35 Beacon Street
Applicant: James Reichheld
Proposed Work: Replace three historic windows in unit number four.
APP # 24.0740 BH 37 Charles Street
Applicant: Colin Daly; The Hummus Shop
Proposed Work: Replace rear doors.
APP # 24.0775 BH 70-72 Mount Vernon Street
Applicant: Judith Selwyn; Preservation Tech.
Proposed Work: Replace existing non-historic entry steps with granite steps. Provide minor brownstone repair adjoining steps. APP # 24.0779 BH 151 Charles Street
Applicant: Kristina Descoteaux; Descoteaux
Proposed Work: Rebuild the first floor retail entrance with reduced window widths.
II. Administrative Review/Approval: In order to expedite the review process, the commission has delegated the approval of certain work items, such as those involving ordinary maintenance and repair, restoration or replacement, or which otherwise have a minimal impact on a building’s appearance, to commission staff pending ratification at its monthly public hearing. Having been identified as meeting these eligibility criteria and all applicable guidelines, the following applications will be approved at this hearing:
Applicants whose projects are listed under this heading NEED NOT APPEAR at the hearing. Following the hearing, you will be issued a Determination Sheet to present at the Inspectional Services Department (1010 Massachusetts Avenue) as proof of project approval when applying for permits. ISD personnel will send an electronic copy of your building-permit application to the commission staff for review. (To avoid potential confusion, the text of your building-permit application should be consistent with the project description given below.) Commission staff will accordingly authorize the execution of the work, attaching any applicable provisos, reflecting the relevant guidelines and precedents.
Please Note That Following Issuance Of The Determination Sheet No Further Correspondence Will Be Issued For The Applications Listed Below. The electronic building-permit application as annotated by commission staff will constitute your Certificate of Appropriateness; this will be valid for two years from the date of the approval letter. The applicant is required to notify the commission of any project changes; failure to do so may affect the status of the approval.
If you have any questions not addressed by the above information, please contact staff at 617.635.1935 or [email protected] Thank you.
APP # 24.0780 BH 25 Brimmer Street: At rear façade: cut 3/4” into the joints of the bricks and repoint in kind. Refinish lintels and sills as needed in kind.
APP # 24.0611 BH 91 Beacon Street: At floors one and two, front facade and side facade, replace eight, 2 over 2, wood, curved sash (non-historic) windows with 2 over 2, wood, curved sash, with a dark spacer bar between the glass.
APP # 24.0772 BH 92 Beacon Street: Scrape, priming and repainting of exterior windows, fence and window grates on all three sides of building to match existing. Cleaning and repairing the masonry keystone over the front door.
APP # 24.0695 BH 34 Charles Street: Change the shade of blue to a dark navy color on the awning and signage previously approved.
APP # 24.0774 BH 75 Charles Street: Replace three windows at the 75 Charles Street Cupola. Two total 4 over 4 windows and one total six over six in the center. Existing windows are non-historic. Replacements will be two total 4 over 4 and one total 6 over 6. The new windows will be true divided lite, double hung, using clear glass and be painted semi-gloss black at the exterior to match the existing. Existing storm windows to be removed. All exterior millwork (facing boards) and sills to remain. New windows will use a 3/4” interior muntin profile & width. Exterior muntin will be 3/16” & oil based glazed glazed at all exterior glass openings.
APP # 24.0752 BH 21 Pinckney Street: Chimney repoint.
APP # 24.0754 BH 63 Pinckney Street: Replace all the exterior rotted wood at the rear elevation top floor dormer; fabricate new exterior facing boards & new wood sills in kind with 5/4 solid block, replace all the rotted wood on wood storms: 4 boards: 2 ends, 2 middle. 1 lower (below sill) & new wood sill, painted in kind to existing: Ben Moore, Linen White semi-gloss. All flashing, slate, windows & roofing will remain.
APP # 24.0764 BH 83 Pinckney Street: Rebuild front masonry facade in kind using existing and new brick. Windows on garden level, one and two will be restored, other windows will be replaced with 6 over 6 all wood true divided light windows.
APP # 24.0755 BH 87 Pinckney Street: At front elevation, replace eight sash sets at the front elevation (six bowed and two flat). Third floor: three total.
Second floor: three total. First floor: two total. The new sash sets would be keeping the existing brick moldings and jambs. The new sash will be true divided lite, double hung, using clear glass and be painted semi-gloss black at the exterior to match the existing color. Six new bowed sash will be templated at residence to existing masonry to accurately achieve the existing bow. The sash (wood) will be bowed and glass will be flat due to the existing slight degree of bow. All sash will be oil based glazed at the exterior.
APP # 24.0763 BH 95 Tremont Street (Granary Burial Ground):
Repair of Northeast Free-Standing Brick Wall in Granary Burying Ground. This project addresses decaying masonry on the northeast free-standing brick wall in Granary Burying Ground. The work consists of repointing of the wall and coping stones, rebuilding of small, above-ground areas of the wall, installation of a granite drainage bed directly behind the wall outside the side, and repainting of the metal railings. Existing headstones will be reset in kind.
APP # 24.0726 BH 38 West Cedar Street: Repaint all windows in kind, repair glazing and wood trim to match historic profile.
III. Ratification Of February 15, 2024 Public Hearing Minutes
IV. Staff Updates
V. Projected Adjournment: 7:30 Pm