The Beacon Hill Civic Association has various committees that focus on a targeted range of issues and initiatives that align with the BHCA mission. Committee chairs volunteer their time and share their expertise to implement plans that relate to the goals of the organization for the good of our neighborhood.
The Architecture Committee’s mission is to help maintain the architectural integrity of our National Historical Landmark District by reviewing applications that have been submitted to the Beacon Hill Architectural Commission (BHAC).
The BHAC, a City department, holds monthly hearings at City Hall on applications for Certificates of Appropriateness which are submitted for exterior construction visible from a public way and reviews architectural violations to the guidelines.
Ahead of each BHAC meeting, the BHCA Architecture Committee reviews the applications and provides neighborhood input to the Commission.
Because the BHAC has recently made the agendas, submitted plans and accompanying documentation for its monthly hearings available online ( district/historic-beacon-hill-district), the BHCA committee’s monthly reviews and meetings have become more interactive. The committee is able to review each application online and then visit each property in advance on line to look at what exactly the applicant is requesting and its impact on the Historic District.
The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission meets the third Thursday of each month, and the BHCA committee typically meets the Monday prior to the hearing.
During its meetings the committee then reviews the online submitted applications and materials, discusses the issues presented, prepares comments and submits them to the BHAC. One or two committee members attend the BHAC hearing at City Hall to monitor the hearing and offer our comments.
This year our committee has continued to be actively involved in reviewing the conversions of several buildings from institutional to residential use including the former Appalachian Mountain Club headquarters at 3,4,5 Joy Street, as well as several smaller rehabs into luxury condominiums throughout the Historic District including conversions at 73 Mount Vernon Street and 34 and 75 Beacon Street. Additionally we were involved in reviewing the plans for the John Jeffries House expansion.
Come join us!
Beacon Hill Civic Association committees and special events bring together volunteers and neighbors, working together to assure a good quality of life on the Hill. All residents are welcome to join!
Monday, June 11: Board of Directors Meeting. 7pm. 74 Joy Street.
Upcoming Special Events
Summer Evening at Otis House – June 21
Evening on the Esplanade – July 18
Fall HillFest – September 23
Founders Reception – September 27
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website and/or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on how to get involved.