Happy 2021 to Our Members and Beacon Hill Neighbors!
We are all looking forward to a better year, and working together we will get there.
As we begin this new year, here are a several things to remember:
1. We need you to join us!
If you haven’t yet become a member of the BHCA, we invite you to join. If you have called our office for assistance with an issue, you will know that we are a valuable resource for our neighbors. Your input in quality of life issues on the Hill is important to us, and we rely on you to bring your comments and concerns to our attention. By joining our membership, you strengthen our numbers and add credibility to our purpose as advocates for Beacon Hill. Most importantly, you join a community of residents and businesses who want to preserve this special neighborhood. Please visit bhcivic.org or call the office to become a member.
2. Contractor Parking
We have heard from many neighbors about their continuing concerns about contractors working on the Hill inappropriately taking up many resident parking spaces for long periods of time. We are working with the City to tackle this ongoing and long-standing problem. Because of Covid restrictions, contractors no longer come in to the BHCA office seeking renewals of their parking permits. When that was the case, we were able to meet with contractors in person and convey any concerns to the contractor that had been raised by members and neighbors on the Hill about that contractor’s work in the neighborhood.
Now that the renewal of parking permits by the BHCA office has become an online process only, we are dealing with parking spaces abuses by contractors on a case by case basis and are visiting problem areas to speak with the owners or their contractors directly and in person, and working with the City on enforcement as well. As always, we depend on you to inform us of any abuse you are seeing so that we can address it. Thank you for helping us bridge the gap between owners who need to get work done and residents who are entitled to on street parking.
3. Contractor and Moving Permits
If you see paper permits on trees or gas lamp poles issued by the City of Boston for moving or construction vehicles that are EXPIRED, please feel free to remove and discard them. Every little bit helps!
4. BOS:311
311 is an easy to remember telephone number that will connect you with the City’s Constituent Service Center. The center is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year. It is the best way to report an issue that the City should resolve.
311 provides access to all non-emergency City services. You can call 311 from any telephone, or you can call directly to 617-635-4500. You can also connect with 311 by downloading the mobile app, or by submitting a request or concern online at https://www.cityofboston.gov/311/. The mobile app allows you to easily send a photo of the problem you are reporting. You can even Tweet @BOS311.
We recommend that our neighbors use this service whenever they have a question or concern to which the City can respond.
5. Upcoming BHCA Events:
There will be no Zoning & Licensing meeting in January 2021
.January Board of Directors Meeting – Monday, January 11, 2021, by Zoom
Members of the public are welcome to attend our board meetings. If you are interested in attending this month’s Zoom meeting, please email us at [email protected], with your contact information. *Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website www.bhcivic.org or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on any of these events.