2023 Annual Appeal
BHCA members and neighbors will soon be receiving the 2023 Annual Appeal in the mail. For more than 100 years, the BHCA has worked to enhance the quality of life for residents through community building, civic engagement, and historic preservation, and by serving as a voice of the community. We ask for your continued support and generosity!
Boston City Council Meeting 4/11/23
A City Council Hearing was held on Tuesday, April 11th, about pest control and trash contracts in the City. Several residents of Beacon Hill and Back Bay attended. Meghan Awe, chair of the BHCA, noted the BHCA’s steadfast support of same day trash pick-up; specifically, that trash be put out between 6am and 9am, and trash pick-up begin no earlier than 9am that same day.
BHCA Organizing a Love Your Block Team!
Come join us in this year’s Love Your Block activity! The event, put together by the Mayor’s Office of Civic Organizing, will take place on Saturday, April 29th, from 9am to 1pm. Beacon Hill neighbors are encouraged to sign up at bhcivic.org, or by calling the BHCA. We will gather by the CVS at Charles Circle to pick up tools and bags. We look forward to a fun clean-up of our neighborhood!
Upcoming BHCA Meetings
Young Friends, April 26th, 6pm, The Sevens
Love Your Block, Saturday, April 29th, 9am-1pm, meet by CVS at Charles Circle
Meet & Greet, Monday, May 1st, 6pm, 75 Chestnut
Zoning & Licensing Committee, Wednesday, May 3rd, 7pm, via Zoom
First Friday Coffee Hour, Friday, May 5th, 74 Joy Street. Invited Guest – Nick Armata, Boston Landmarks Commission
Board of Directors, Monday, May 8th, 7pm, via Zoom
BHCA Annual Meeting of Members, Monday, May 15th, 6pm, Somerset Club
Architecture Committee, TBD, via Zoom
Events Committee, Wednesday, May 17th, 6pm, 74 Joy Street
For details and zoom information on any of these meetings, please contact the BHCA office at 617-227-1922.