The BHCA Fall HillFest is this Sunday, September 24th, 12-4pm, on the flat of Mt. Vernon Street. Parking will not be allowed between 9am and 5pm for the safety of our attendees.
Thank you to our generous sponsors: Harpoon, Archer Roose, Charles Street Supply, The Common Canine, Cobblestones, City of Boston, Beacon Hill Jazz, and Phase III. This is a rain or shine event – come by for hotdogs, live music, and fun and games for the whole family!
Applications Open for the 2023 Beacon Hill Community Fund
In 2019, the Beacon Hill Civic Association decided that a special purpose fund – the Beacon Hill Community Fund – should be created within the BHCA for the purpose of making annual grants to community-based Beacon Hill, Cambridge Street and adjacent neighborhood non-profit organizations, community development corporations, and other civic groups dedicated to promoting and enhancing quality of life in the community.
Now in its fifth year, the Community Fund is currently accepting applications at The application deadline is November 1, 2023. Testimonials of past Community Fund awardees are also available on our website. For any questions, please contact Patricia Tully at the BHCA at 617-227-1922.
Upcoming BHCA Meetings, Events
Meet & Greet – Monday, October 2nd, 6-8pm, 75 Chestnut
Zoning & Licensing Committee – Wednesday, October 4th, 6:00pm via Zoom
Founders Reception – Thursday, October 5th, 6-8pm; Harvard Musical Association (for Founders Circle members only)
First Friday Coffee Hour – Friday, October 6th, 8:30-9:30am, 74 Joy Street
Board of Directors – Monday, October 9th, 7pm, via Zoom
Let the Children Sing: A Tribute to Susan Paul (in collaboration with the Museum of African American History) – Sunday, October 15th, 3-5pm; MAAH. Tickets available online at
Young Friends – The Shindig – Friday, November 10th, 7-10pm, UMass Club. Tickets available online at
Garlands & Greens – Wednesday, November 15th, 6pm, Hampshire House. Tickets coming soon.
Holiday Decorating – Saturday/Sunday, December 2nd and 3rd
Contact the BHCA at [email protected] for details on any of these activities or to sign up as a volunteer.
Active Transportation public meetings on Charles Street
Meet the City’s Active Transportation Team in-person on Charles Street on the following days with dates added through October:
• Monthly on Wednesday evenings at the Charles Street Meeting House:
• 10/11 from 4:30-6pm due to earlier sunset
• Monthly on Tuesday mornings at the intersection of Charles and Cambridge Streets: In the case of inclement weather, including a heat emergency, these hours will be cancelled. To learn more, visit