Beacon Award Nominations Requested
The Beacon Hill Civic Association invites the community to nominate candidates for the 27th Annual Beacon Award. Instituted in 1997 by the BHCA as part of its Diamond Jubilee Year, the Beacon Award annually honors those individuals or groups deserving of particular recognition for significant and sustained contribution to the Beacon Hill community.
Nomination forms are available online at or by calling BHCA at 617-227-1922. A new form should be completed for each individual nomination submitted and should be returned to the Beacon Hill Civic Association no later than Monday, April 22, 2024. Nominations will be reviewed and a winner will be selected by a committee composed of representatives from the BHCA and the community at large.
The 2024 Beacon Award will be presented at the BHCA’s 102nd Annual Meeting, to be held May 20, 2024 at the Somerset Club.
Councilor Sharon Durkan at the BHCA First Friday Coffee Hour on April 5th
City Councilor Sharon Durkan will be our guest at our next BHCA Coffee Hour. Bring your questions and comments for her – we look forward to seeing many of our neighbors on April 5th, 8:30-9:30am at 74 Joy Street.
Love Your Block
Love Your Block returns on Saturday, April 6th, and we are looking forward to working together with neighbors to clean up our sidewalks and parks. Please let the office know if you are available to join in from 9am to 12pm. We’ll be meeting in front of the CVS at 155 Charles Street. We will have tools, bags and gloves.
A Reminder about
Public Trash Bins
Please remember all public trash bins are for small trash or recycling small items (newspapers or other recyclables), and that it is illegal ($1,000 fine) to dispose of household trash in any public trash bin. Let’s all work together to keep our streets and sidewalks clean and free of trash and litter by using these trash bins appropriately.
Did You Know?
The Beacon Hill Civic Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to community building, civic engagement, and historic preservation on Beacon Hill. Your membership donations allow us to continue our efforts to preserve and protect our historic neighborhood. As a member, your voice adds strength to our numbers and credibility to our purpose as advocates for Beacon Hill residents and businesses. Join, renew, or donate today at to support the work we do for you!
Upcoming BHCA Meetings
First Friday Coffee Hour – Friday, April 5th, 8:30-9:30am
Love Your Block neighborhood cleanup – Saturday, April 6th, 9am; meet in front of CVS, 155 Charles Street
Board of Directors – Monday, April 8th, 7:00pm via Zoom
Architecture Committee – April 15th, 5:30pm via Zoom
Founders Reception – Thursday, May 2nd
Annual Meeting of Members – Monday, May 20th, Somerset Club
Valiant Cruise – Thursday, June 6th
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website or call the office (617-227-1922) for more information on any of these meetings or events.