The Beacon Hill Architectural Commission will hold its monthly public hearing on Thursday, July 18, at 5 p.m.
Attention: This hearing will only be held virtually and NOT in person. You can participate in this hearing by going to our Zoom Link or calling 1-929-205-6099 and entering meeting id # 975 7316 6855. You can also submit written comments or questions to [email protected].
The public can offer testimony.
Discussion Topics
1 Design Review App # 24.0975 BH 27 Chestnut Street (Continued From 5-24 Hearing)
Proposed Work: Replace existing non-historic windows
APP # 24.0970 BH 40-42 Mount Vernon Street 3B
Proposed Work: Replace three, 1 over 1 windows with three, 1 over 1, wood, double hung windows with no low-e glass. Replace two double doors in kind
APP # 24.1141 BH 95 Tremont Street
Proposed Work: New directional signage
APP # 24.1159 BH 2 Chestnut Street
Proposed Work: Remove central chimney
APP # 24.1182 BH 55 Brimmer Street
Proposed Work: Installation of a rotating black steel hoist on the roof deck of the one-story reconstructed back garage
APP # 25.0013 BH 54 Pinckney Street
Proposed Work: New roof deck
2 Administrative Review APP # 24.1183 BH 23 Brimmer Street: On front and rear facade, cut back mortar joints 3/4” and repoint with Pro Masonry Type N mortar to be toolled to match existing joint treatment and color. Recoat sills and lintels with Mimic by Conproco in color and finish to match existing.
APP # 24.0992 BH 24 Brimmer Street: Repair tooth molding and copper flashing in kind.
APP # 24.1135 BH 27 Brimmer Street: Cut and point masonry using Type “O” mortar, trim painting using fine paints of Europe – oil satin black, roof deck renovations.
APP # 24.1145 BH 44 Chestnut Street: At mansard level, replace five, non-historic, 2 over 2, windows with five, two over two, double hung, all wood, no low-e glass, and a dark spacer bar between the two panes of glass.
APP # 24.1193 BH 100 Chestnut Street: Square off tree pit and add tree guard (Option 3 of pre-approved guards).
APP # 24.1178 BH 26 Garden Street: Repair slate roof installing a chimney cap on dormant chimney, and replacing copper gutter and downspout, all repairs to be done with in kind materials.
APP # 24.0954 BH 108 Mt. Vernon Street: At west elevation, alleyway replace caulk and paint windows, window trim, header and sill, scrape, caulk and paint bay windows, cut and point all mortar joints, including chimney, remove six old fasteners and replace damaged bricks, repair open seams at metal cornice and paint, rebuild corner of brick cornice, caulk all joints between granite and brick, scrape, paint and caulk door and threshold, caulk vertical construction joints, full height. At south elevation, left side grout and caulk cracks in brickwork, replace caulk and paint windows in kind, window trim, header and sill, cut and point all mortar joints, remove old fasteners and replace damaged bricks, install soft joint at fire escape brackets, rebuild corner of brick cornice, caulk joint between granite and brick at headers and sills, caulk perimeter of vents, scrape and paint fire escapes.
APP # 24.1106 BH 87 Myrtle Street: Restoration to all eight front elevation single hung windows. First floor; two windows, second & third floor; three each floor. Remove these windows on site, plane down slightly at the bottom sashes to align the current meeting rails for the existing sash locks to operate. Weather stripping will be applied at the bottom of the bottom sashes. Slight, skim coat glazing at the exterior. All windows at the exterior will be painted in kind: Ben Moore, Soft Gloss: Sail Cloth. Interior will get a new brass sash chain as needed for correct operation. No glass panes are currently broken and will remain. All existing jambs, brick moldings & wood sills are to remain. The current windows and possibly original operation are: single hung & will remain. New cedar shutters custom fabricated and installed by Beech River Mill to the original or very old top floor shutters found at the home. These will be fabricated to that original shutter and painted: Ben Moore PM-9. Black soft gloss as existed. Eight sets of shutter total: two on the first floor, three on the second floor and three on the third floor. As needed: eight sets of: Beacon wire pintles and t-hinges, eight sets of Beacon dogs.
APP # 24.1165 BH 41 Pinckney Street: Restore five front facing third floor windows as we will be on the second floor. The existing sash would be fully stripped and all exterior glazing removed. Glass will be saved when possible. New insulated glass units will be fabricated with this older glass at the exterior of all glass units. The existing sash will be planed down for the meeting rails to meet again at the center line as well as black weather stripping added as the bay has dropped. Sash will be re-glazed at all glass openings & router cuts to suit the new glass. Existing sash depth is 1 3/4” and will remain the same. New mahogany parting beads will be fabricated & installed. All sash will be glazed and painted semi-gloss black at the exterior. A few new sash parts may be needed. South American mahogany, solid block will be used. Mortise & tenon joints to fit into existing. Pegs & screws to solidify sash surround.
APP # 24.1126 BH 56 Pinckney Street: Repaint, repair and repoint the following, in each case work will be done in kind: Repaint front wooden steps, repaint front door and surrounding trim, repaint basement windows and iron grates, repaint oriel, regrout granite front steps (with color of grout to match current grout color), replace rotted sills at basement windows, replace wooden trim on roof deck head house, paint fifth floor window. In each case in kind and the same color (black).
APP # 24.1133 BH 54 Temple Street: In kind repair of an area way cover.
3 Ratification of June 20, 2024 Public Hearing Minutes
4 Annual Vote For Chair/Vice Chair
5 Staff Updates