Boston Police are to be congratulated for the great bit of work they did apprehending a bank robber following last week’s bank robbery.
The robbery took place around 5:20 p.m. last Wednesday.
The apprehension of the bank robber came to pass at 11:27 p.m. that night at Yawkey Way and Van Ness Street, according to police who tracked him there.
As it turns out, the fellow who came into the bank and told everyone to remain calm or he would shoot them, was wearing a mask.
Ironically, Patrick Cannon, 54, the man police arrested in connection with the bank robbery was out on parole and was a fugitive from justice with an outstanding warrant for bank robbery.
We don’t wish to make light of Mr. Cannon’s propensity for robbing banks except to say that he is going to have a long, long time to think about a change of profession while serving the remainder of his previous sentences and for the new time he will serve for the new infraction.
The Boston Police caught him with a back pack stuffed with money, ostensibly from the bank.
Mr. Cannon was arraigned Monday morning in Boston Municipal Court.
He remains in custody – where he assuredly ought to be.
What this event proves is that bank robbers are at the disadvantage in Beacon Hill and Back Bay when they are attempting their business in the open clear light of day.
Once again, cudos to the police for a job well done.