The heavy-set man wearing a black mask, gray sweatshirt and black jeans who robbed the Beacon Hill CVS Pharmacy 11:30 a.m. Saturday morning remains at large, according to Boston Police. The robber also handed a pharmacy clerk a note demanding drugs and claiming he had hidden bombs in the store and inside the West End Library.
After a thorough search of the two locations by the Boston Bomb Squad, it was determined the robber’s claims about bombs were false.
However, the robber demanded certain drugs from the pharmacist on duty, which he provided, police said.
Then the robber fled. The robber apparently claimed the bombs were active and that if the pharmacist didn’t call police for two and half hours, he would deactivate them.
Police said the robber claimed there were others watching the store and insisted that the employees of the pharmacy comply with his demands.
Police were careful to say that the robber did not indicate with his note he was going to set off the bombs. Police added that the robber received no cash – just the drugs he asked for.
Police are asking that anyone with information about the robbery to call Boston Police at 61-343-4329 or to contact detectives on-line at [email protected].