The Boston Parks and Recreation Department is encouraging park users and open space advocates to take part in the City of Boston’s new Parcel Priority Plan (PPP) using an online survey. The survey results will be used in developing the open space acquisition Parcel Priority Plan, and the City of Boston encourages residents from every neighborhood to share their feedback.
Enhancing and enlarging Boston’s network of resilient public open space is critical, and the Parcel Priority Plan will identify and evaluate lands in the city that should be acquired or protected as open spaces. This will be used for the development of the update to the City of Boston’s Open Space and Recreation Plan.
Questions that are a part of the survey include:
• Where would you like to see open space?
• What should the City of Boston focus on when acquiring or protecting open space?
Residents’ responses will shape the future of Boston’s park system.
Survey responses will be combined with data modeling and the City’s priorities to create the Parcel Priority Plan. This is an essential first step in understanding where the Parks and Recreation Department has opportunities to expand the open space network. Creating new open space and protecting existing open space will move forward as opportunities and funding are available.
The online survey is available in six languages in addition to English. To participate, please visit
Interpretation and translation services are available at no cost. To access these services or learn more about the project, please contact Maggie Owens at the Boston Parks and Recreation Department (617) 961-3025 or email [email protected].