Karen Cord Taylor is among the Golden Shoe Award Winners, that was announced at the WalkBoston annual meeting. Karen Cord Taylor was awarded for her long term service as a committed Board member and fierce advocate for better walkability in her Beacon Hill neighborhood and the greater Boston community. Karen has devoted thirteen years to WalkBoston and has been part of so many wins as a WalkBoston Board member. Her dedication to clearing sidewalks and curb ramps of snow is particularly top of mind this winter.
In addition to her advocacy work, Karen, a former newspaper owner and publisher, often used her editing skills to ensure the written communications were top notch. Karen was also instrumental in attracting and nominating wonderful new Board members, including the former Board President Emma Yashar. Karen’s impact continues far beyond her 13-year Board tenure.
WalkBoston presents the Golden Shoe Awards at its annual meeting each March to celebrate and reward those who have bettered the walking environment and who exemplify the ideals that guide WalkBoston.
Golden Shoes are awarded to individuals, agencies, municipalities and companies.