50th Annual Winter Soirée at The Newbury Boston!
Dress to impress and join us for an elegant evening of celebrating, dancing, and drinks at The Newbury Boston on February 11th. All proceeds from the 50th Annual Winter Soirée will help fund the BHCA and support our efforts in community building, civic engagement, and historic preservation – the results of which are showcased every day throughout the neighborhood.
Visit bhcivic.org or contact the office at 617-227-1922 to buy your tickets and learn more!
2022 Beacon Hill Community Fund Grants Awarded
In 2019, the Beacon Hill Civic Association decided that a special purpose fund – the Beacon Hill Community Fund – should be created within the BHCA for the purpose of making annual grants to community-based Beacon Hill, Cambridge Street and adjacent neighborhood non-profit organizations, community development corporations, and other civic groups dedicated to promoting and enhancing quality of life in the community.
In 2022, twenty-three applications were received through the Beacon Hill Community Fund website. Of those twenty-three applications, twelve were chosen by the BHCA Board of Directors to receive grants totaling $20,000. Those organizations were:
Beacon Hill Art Walk
Beacon Hill Seminars
Boston Landmarks Orchestra
Commonwealth Shakespeare Company
Friday Night Supper Program, Inc.
Friends of the Phillips Street Play Area
Myrtle Street Playground
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America – Massachusetts
Rogerson Communities, Inc.
The Advent School
Tunefoolery Music, Inc.
West End Museum, Inc.
The 2023 grant application period will run from September 15 through November 1st. you can find out more at https://www.bhcivic.org/community-fund.html.
Upcoming Meetings
Green Committee – Thursday, January 18th, 5pm via Zoom
Young Friends – Wednesday, January 25th at. Teddy’s; 7pm
50th Annual Winter Soirée – February 11th at The Newbury Boston.
Visit the Beacon Hill Civic Association website www.bhcivic.org or call the office (617-227-1922) to learn more about these events.