Beacon Hill Civic Association Community Corner

The African Meeting House, Beacon Hill Let the Children Sing a Resounding Success!

The African Meeting House was the setting for the second Let the Children Sing concert this past Sunday. Literary Performer, actor and educator Regie Gibson welcomed the full house of attendees and musical groups with an introduction based on the life and works of William Cooper Nell. Nell was an American abolitionist, journalist, publisher, author, and civil servant who worked for the integration of schools and public facilities in Massachusetts. Writing for abolitionist newspapers The Liberator and The North Star, Nell helped publicize the anti-slavery cause. 

Other performers included Bithyah Israel leading City Strings United, and Linda Brown San Martin leading the Eastern Mass. Children’s Ensemble.

The collaboration between these artists, the Beacon Hill Civic Association, Crescendo Productions, and the Museum of African American History will surely become another anticipated annual favorite.

Upcoming Meetings

Architecture Committee – Monday, March 17, 5:30pm via Zoom

Save the Date!

The Beacon Hill Civic Association Annual Meeting for Members will take place on Thursday, May 22nd, at the Hampshire House, with a breakfast beginning at 8am. Invitations to members to follow.

Join the BHCA!

We invite you to join our growing membership of friends – young and old – who are contributing to make life better on the Hill. Your membership allows us to continue our efforts to preserve our unique and historic neighborhood, and your voice adds strength to our mission as advocates for Beacon Hill residents. Join or renew your membership today at or by calling us at 617-227-1922!

Beacon Hill Civic Association

Seeking Member Nominations

for its Board of Directors

The 2025 Nominating Committee of the Beacon Hill Civic Association is seeking nominations of BHCA Members who are dedicated to the mission of the BHCA to serve on its Board of Directors. 

The Beacon Hill Civic Association (BHCA) was established in 1922 with a mission of preserving Beacon Hill’s historic residential character. Today, the BHCA continues as a volunteer organization that helps preserve and enhance the quality of life on Beacon Hill and advocates for Beacon Hill residents, including historic preservation, zoning, licensing, traffic, parking, and neighborhood cleanliness. Monitoring citywide developments that impact the neighborhood and planning community-building events, both social and informational, are among the organization’s major activities.

 Board terms are for one year, commencing after our Annual Meeting in May. 

The Nominating Committee will consider involvement with BHCA activities and committees, applicable experience and abilities, commitment to and knowledge of the Beacon Hill neighborhood, availability to commit to monthly meetings and committee responsibilities, and past or current board level experience. 

Nominations may be submitted until Friday, March 21, 2025 by contacting the BHCA office at [email protected] or (617) 227-1922.

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