A truck carrying an oversized metal frame cut a swath through the neighborhood on Wednesday, July 22, at about 8:30 a.m., toppling a tree and spinning a postal box around on the sidewalk near the corner of Revere and Garden streets in the process.
A reader who alerted us to this matter said she has observed countless over-sized vehicles “get into trouble” while cutting through the neighborhood during the 20 years she has lived on Beacon Hill.
“It makes me wonder why, at the least, there’s no signage at the corner of Charles and Revere streets that warns drivers of what lies ahead,” Deborah Holt wrote. “Full-sized tour buses (of which there have been several) and very large trucks cannot negotiate the turns required to exit down to Cambridge Street or up to Myrtle Street. Revere Street is especially susceptible to being used as a cut-through by unfamiliar drivers because of the direct access from Storrow Drive. There should be signage that strongly warns drivers to find another route.
Moreover, Holt added, “There’s plenty of legitimate large-truck traffic (City trash, moving vans, fire engines), which is unfortunate enough. But vehicles that have no business in the neighborhood and are unable to pass through without leaving a path of destruction, have no business here.”