Beacon Hill Community Fund
The Beacon Hill Civic Association administers and operates a Beacon Hill Community Fund that gives grants to community-based Beacon Hill, Cambridge Street and adjacent neighborhood non-profit organizations, community development corporations, and other civic groups who are dedicated to promoting and enhancing quality of life in the community. These organizations may be awarded grants to support projects and programs for residents involving the arts and education, youth sports and recreation, day care centers, playgrounds, activities for seniors and persons with special needs and disabilities, community gardens and spaces, affordable housing, social services, and whatever the Board of Directors of the Beacon Hill Civic Association deems appropriate.
Last year the BHCA awarded 6 organizations and individuals $22,500 total in grants to support their endeavors in and around Beacon Hill, from creative projects to clean-ups. To view testimonials from grant recipients on how their grant has helped them achieve their goals, visit
This year the Beacon Hill Community Fund, through the Beacon Hill Civic Association Board of Directors, will again award approximately $20,000 to deserving recipients to continue our mission of bettering the lives of our neighbors and organizations that make Beacon Hill such a special place to live.
Applications will be accepted from September 15th to November 1st and grants will be awarded on December 14, 2020. All applications must be submitted online through the BHCF portal. Please visit for more information.
BHCA Fall HillFest
Mark your calendar for Fall HillFest! This year we are taking the festivities online with
a virtual block party! This event will take place on Sunday, September 27th from 1-4:30pm, followed by a socially distanced after party at the Phillips Street Play Area. We hope you will join us for this fun and unique experience. Contact the BHCA to register!
See below for the full schedule of events.
1:00 – 2:00 pm Children’s Virtual Programming
Hill House will host EMT with safety tips and a virtual tour of an emergency vehicle
Paul Odelson will host a virtual pet show and tell
Janine Jay will host an at-home scavenger hunt
2:00 – 3:00 pm Virtual Cultural Hour
Young-Shin Choi will perform classical violin music
Mark Kiefer will give a virtual architectural tour of Beacon Hill
3:30 – 4:30pm Real life scavenger hunt (for older children and adults)
egins at the corner of Tatte (Mt. Vernon and Charles Streets) – grab your handout and take to the streets to find the designated spots in Beacon Hill, then meet back at Phillips Street playground for a prize! – hosted by Richelle Gewertz and Michelle Lavers
4:00 pm Jeremy Bell, bagpiper
Jeremy will bagpipe through the neighborhood, ending up at the Phillips Street Park, where he will play accordion tunes to kick off the after party
4:30pm – After party!
Come join us at Phillips Street playground – kids and dogs are welcome, masks and physical distancing required
The BHCA Fall Membership Season is Here!
Check your mailbox for our Fall Membership drive materials. Your support of the BHCA is important and helps us to keep you informed about the latest city and state guidelines, as well as the business of the BHCA in community building, civic engagement, and historic preservation. We thank you for your membership! If you haven’t yet become a member of the BHCA, we invite you to join online at By joining our membership, you strengthen our numbers and add credibility to our purpose as advocates for Beacon Hill. Please call our office at 617-227-1922 or email the BHCA Executive Director at [email protected] with any questions, comments or concerns, or to learn more about how you can get involved in your community.