Category: Editorials

Get out and vote

The election is upon us. Go out and do your duty. Do it in the knowledge that things in this nation and in this state must change. Understand that whomever you choose to vote for in this election, the winner…

Down to the wire

With the election next week, many of you who plan to vote already know who you will be voting for and why. The onslaught of radio and television advertisements and the general overhanded nature of newspaper and Internet coverage, will…

Get out and vote

Voting in our neighborhood can be termed anemic. In September, only 10% of the eligible voters went to the polls, this in spite of a contested congressional race and state senate seat. At a recent fundraiser, Rep. Marty Walz held…

The endless summer

Saturday the temperature hovered in the mid-80’s. It was so hot some people felt uncomfortable, so uncomfortable they wished it was already fall. Talk about thesis and anti-thesis. Sunday was warm again and then late in the day, the air…

Esplanade gala

One can only wonder where the time went. It seems like only yesterday that the summer was just starting and the thought of activities in September were in the very distant future. However, summer has ended. While the lingering warm…

Burning Korans

We do not endorse the burning of holy books. We detest radical Islam and we worry about those who want to cut off our heads, to bomb our shrines and government institutions and who quite often bomb their own using…